Merchant API
Create an order

Create an order

Create an Order object.

Creating orders is one of the basic operations of the Merchant API. Most of the other operations are related to creating orders. Furthermore, the payment methods merchants can use to take payments for their orders are also building on order creation.

To learn more about how you can accept payments, see:


Each Merchant API request must contain an authorization header in the following format to make a call:

'Authorization: Bearer <yourSecretApiKey>'

Before you start, ensure that you've successfully applied for a Merchant Account in your Revolut Business Account.

The Public key is on the same path in your Revolut Business account as the Secret key. There are two different functions for each:

  • Public key should be provided with payment methods at checkout
  • Secret key is used as a part of the authorization header for all server calls, e.g., creating order

Complete the following steps to generate the Production API keys (Secret, Public):

  1. Log in to your Revolut Business portal.
  2. On the top left corner, click your account name, click APIs then select Merchant API.
  3. Under the Production API Secret key and Production API Public key sections you will find the API keys needed. If it's your first time on this page, you will need to click the Generate button to create your unique API keys.

You can also use this link to directly open the Merchant API page.

Merchant API - Settings


Use these keys only for the production environment. For the Revolut Business Sandbox environment, use the sandbox API keys.



This authentication protocol is used exclusively when using Fast checkout.

Connection over HTTPS is using SSL authentication. For successful authentication, your system's certificate should be issued by a Public Certificate Authority (PCA) and your system should trust Revolut's public certificate.



This authentication protocol is used exclusively when using Fast checkout.

Data integrity and authorship will be verified using a payload-based signature. The response of a successful URL registration for address validation (see: Register address validation for Fast checkout) will contain a secret signing key.

The signing key will be used by Revolut to compute a Hash-based Message Authentication Code (HMAC) payload signature whenever the registered URL is called, which should be verified by your backend.


Header Parameters
Header Parameters

Possible values: [2023-09-01]

The version of the Merchant API, specified in YYYY-MM-DD format.

If not specified, you will receive an error.

Current version: 2023-09-01


For more information about API versioning, see: API versions.

Request body
Body object

The amount of the order (minor currency unit). For example, enter 7034 for €70.34 in the field.

ISO 4217 currency code in upper case.

ISO 4217 currency code in upper case.

If settlement_currency is different from the value of currency, the money will be exchanged when the amount is settled to your merchant account. In case of a refund or chargeback, the money will be exchanged to the order's initial currency.

If settlement_currency is not specified, this value is taken from currency.

The description of the order.

Object containing information about a customer.

If you have it, we strongly advise providing at least either id, phone, or email.

Using the Customers operations, you can manage customer instances.

The following behaviours apply to different use cases:

Use caseAPI behavior
Existing customerIf id was provided, we ignore other customer details and associate the customer with the order.

If either email, phone, or full_name was provided (without an existing customer's id), we always create a new customer, irrespective of another, existing customer object having the same details.
New customerIf either email, phone, or full_name was provided, we create a new customer, irrespective of another customer object having the same details.

If id of a non-existent customer was provided, we return a 404 error, irrespective of other details provided.

Permanent ID of a customer used to retrieve, update, delete a customer. This ID can also be used to link customer to an order.


If you provide the customer's ID during order creation, no other customer data is required, they will be parsed automatically from the referenced customer object.

Possible values: >= 2 characters

The customer's full name.

If full_name is not specified, this value is taken from the cardholder_name the first time a payment is made.

The customer's phone number.

The customer's email address.

Object containing address details.

Possible values: <= 100 characters

Street line 1 information.

Possible values: <= 100 characters

Street line 2 information.

Possible values: <= 100 characters

The region associated with the address.

Possible values: <= 100 characters

The city associated with the address.

Possible values: <= 2 characters

The 2-letter country code of the country associated with the address.

Possible values: <= 100 characters

The postcode associated with the address.

Possible values: [automatic, forced]

Default value: automatic

The enforce challenge mode. automatic is used by default.

Parameter valueDescription
automaticThe payments created for an order will have challenge requirement calculated by our fraud mechanisms. Not all payments will trigger a 3DS challenge.
forcedThe payments created for an order will always require a 3DS challenge. Currently only supported for card payments.

Possible values: [automatic, manual]

Default value: automatic

The capture mode of the order. automatic is used by default.

Parameter valueDescription
automaticThe order is captured automatically after payment authorisation.
manualThe order is not captured automatically. You must manually capture the order later.

For more information, see Capture an order.

Automatic cancellation period for uncaptured orders, specified in ISO 8601 format.

Orders in authorised state will be automatically cancelled if they stay uncaptured for longer than the period specified. Maximum: 7 days = P7D.


Cannot be a negative value.

Unique ID representing the location where merchants sells products.


Currently, only online locations are supported.


For more information, see: Locations.

Possible values: <= 50

Additional information to track your orders in your system, by providing custom metadata using "<key>" : "<value>" pairs.



  • Max number of items: 50
  • Max length of metadata values: 500
  • Format of metadata keys: ^[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z\\d_]{0,39}$

Object containing industry-specific information associated with the order.

Possible values: [airline, crypto]

Type of the industry-specific data object, determining what further data is expected for a particular order.

Available types:

  • airline
  • crypto

Unique ID of the travel reservation associated with the order.

The UTC date and time of the final journey leg.

Possible values: [flexible, fixed]

The type of the ticket.

The code of the Computer Reservation System (CRS) used to make the booking and purchase the ticket.

Possible values: [new, modification]

Parameter indicating whether this order is related to a new ticket reservation or a modification of an existing one.

Possible values: [refundable, non_refundable, partially_refundable]

Parameter indicating whether the ticket is refundable, partially refundable, or not refundable.

Array containing information of passengers associated with the booking.

Passenger's first name.

Passenger's last name.

Array containing information of journey legs associated with the booking.

Sequence of the journey legs. Increment by 1 for each flight included in the ticket.

For example: For a FRA > LHR > DUB > LHR > FRA journey the sequence will be assigned as:

  • FRA > LHR: 1
  • LHR > DUB: 2
  • DUB > LHR: 3
  • LHR > FRA: 4

The IATA 3-letter airport code for the departure airport.

The IATA 3-letter airport code for the arrival airport.

The flight identifier, without airline code.

The fare base code for the given journey leg.

The UTC date and time of the flight departure for the given journey leg.

The name of the airline associated with the journey leg.

The IATA 2-letter accounting code identifying the airline associated with the journey leg.

Object for providing additional information stored in the merchant's order management system.

Possible values: <= 2000 characters

The URL of the order stored in the merchant's order management system.

This URL will be included in the order confirmation email for payments made via Revolut Pay. If specified, this URL will override the default link to the merchant's Business website configured in the Revolut Business account.



  • Max length of url string: 2000
  • Only valid http:// or https:// domains are accepted
  • Domain cannot be localhost or IP address

Merchant order ID for external reference.

Use this field to set the ID that your own system can use to easily track orders.

Object containing information about upcoming payments associated with the order.

The date and time in ISO 8601 format when the upcoming payment is scheduled to be executed.

The unique ID of the customer's payment method used to complete the scheduled payment.


Order created

Response body
Body object

Permanent order ID used to retrieve, capture, cancel, or refund an order after authorization.

Temporary ID for the order, which expires when the payment is authorised.

The order token is used to initialise the Revolut Checkout widget, and to be returned by the Revolut Pay widget's createOrder callback.

Possible values: [payment, payment_request, refund, chargeback, chargeback_reversal, credit_reimbursement]

The type of the order.

Possible values: [pending, processing, authorised, completed, cancelled, failed]

The state of the order.


For more information about the order lifecycle, see: Order and payment lifecycle.

The date and time the order was created.

The date and time the order was last updated.

The description of the order.

Possible values: [automatic, manual]

Default value: automatic

The capture mode of the order. automatic is used by default.

Parameter valueDescription
automaticThe order is captured automatically after payment authorisation.
manualThe order is not captured automatically. You must manually capture the order later.

For more information, see Capture an order.

Automatic cancellation period for uncaptured orders, specified in ISO 8601 format.

Orders in authorised state will be automatically cancelled if they stay uncaptured for longer than the period specified. Maximum: 7 days = P7D.


The following limitations apply:

  • Cannot be a negative value.

  • Cannot be updated if the new value is less than or equal to the elapsed time since authorisation.

    Failing scenario:

    • Original value: 7 days
    • Time since authorisation: 3 days
    • Update value: 2 days

    In this scenario, an error is returned.

    Successful scenario:

    • Original value: 7 days
    • Time since authorisation: 3 days
    • Update value: 4 days

    In this scenario, the parameter can be updated.

  • Cannot be updated if cancellation is ≤ 30 minutes away.

    Failing scenario:

    • Original value: 12 hours
    • Time since authorisation: 11 hours 40 minutes

    In this scenario, an error is returned.

    Successful scenario:

    • Original value: 12 hours
    • Time since authorisation: 11 hours 20 minutes

    In this scenario, the parameter can be updated.

The amount of the order (minor currency unit). For example, enter 7034 for €70.34 in the field.

The amount of the order (minor currency unit) that is outstanding. For example, enter 7034 for €70.34 in the field.

The amount of the refunded order (minor currency unit). For example, enter 7034 for €70.34 in the field.

ISO 4217 currency code in upper case.

ISO 4217 currency code in upper case.

If settlement_currency is different from the value of currency, the money will be exchanged when the amount is settled to your merchant account. In case of a refund or chargeback, the money will be exchanged to the order's initial currency.

If settlement_currency is not specified, this value is taken from currency.

Object containing information about a customer.

If you have it, we strongly advise providing at least either id, phone, or email.

Using the Customers operations, you can manage customer instances.

The following behaviours apply to different use cases:

Use caseAPI behavior
Existing customerIf id was provided, we ignore other customer details and associate the customer with the order.

If either email, phone, or full_name was provided (without an existing customer's id), we always create a new customer, irrespective of another, existing customer object having the same details.
New customerIf either email, phone, or full_name was provided, we create a new customer, irrespective of another customer object having the same details.

If id of a non-existent customer was provided, we return a 404 error, irrespective of other details provided.

Permanent ID of a customer used to retrieve, update, delete a customer. This ID can also be used to link customer to an order.


If you provide the customer's ID during order creation, no other customer data is required, they will be parsed automatically from the referenced customer object.

Possible values: >= 2 characters

The customer's full name.

If full_name is not specified, this value is taken from the cardholder_name the first time a payment is made.

The customer's phone number.

The customer's email address.

Object containing address details.

Possible values: <= 100 characters

Street line 1 information.

Possible values: <= 100 characters

Street line 2 information.

Possible values: <= 100 characters

The region associated with the address.

Possible values: <= 100 characters

The city associated with the address.

Possible values: <= 2 characters

The 2-letter country code of the country associated with the address.

Possible values: <= 100 characters

The postcode associated with the address.

The details of all the payments that have been made towards this order (successful or unsuccessful).

The ID of the payment.

Possible values: [pending, authentication_challenge, authentication_verified, authorisation_started, authorisation_passed, authorised, capture_started, captured, refund_validated, refund_started, cancellation_started, declining, completing, cancelling, failing, completed, declined, soft_declined, cancelled, failed]

The status of the payment.

Possible values: [high_risk, cardholder_name_missing, unknown_card, unknown_card, pick_up_card, invalid_card, invalid_card, expired_card, do_not_honour, invalid_email, invalid_email, invalid_amount, restricted_card, restricted_card, expired_card, insufficient_funds, rejected_by_customer, rejected_by_customer, cardholder_name_missing, withdrawal_limit_exceeded, withdrawal_limit_exceeded, pick_up_card, 3ds_challenge_failed_manually, invalid_amount, transaction_not_allowed_for_cardholder, issuer_not_available, invalid_expiry, invalid_cvv, invalid_pin, invalid_phone, invalid_address, invalid_country, invalid_merchant, customer_challenge_failed, customer_challenge_abandoned, customer_name_mismatch, technical_error]

The reason for a failed or declined payment.

A failed or declined payment can result from multiple reasons. To learn more, check our failure reasons.

The reason for a failed or declined payment, sent by the financial institution processing the payment.

The date and time the payment was created.

The date and time the payment was last updated.

Temporary token of the payment used to fetch the reward offer during checkout and link user registrations to the given offers.

The token is only valid for a limited time.

The amount of the order (minor currency unit). For example, 7034 stands for €70.34.

ISO 4217 currency code in upper case.

The amount of the settled payment (minor currency unit). For example, 7034 stands for €70.34.

The currency of the settled payment. ISO 4217 currency code in upper case.

The details of the payment method used to make the payment.

ID of the saved payment method.


The id parameter is only returned when the payment method is saved.

Possible values: [card, revolut_pay_card, revolut_pay_account]

The type of payment method used to pay for the order.

Available values:

Payment method typeDescription
cardThe customer paid the order using their credit or debit card.
revolut_pay_cardThe customer paid the order via Revolut Pay using their credit or debit card.
revolut_pay_accountThe customer paid the order via Revolut Pay using their Revolut account.

Possible values: [visa, mastercard, american_express]

The type of the card.

Possible values: [credit, debit, prepaid]

The type of card funding.

The 2-letter country code of the country where the card was issued.

Possible values: >= 6 characters and <= 6 characters

The BIN of the card.

Possible values: >= 4 characters and <= 4 characters

The last four digits of the card.

The expiry date of the card in the format of MM/YY.

The name of the cardholder.

The details of the check for card payment. Only for orders with successful payments.

The details of the 3D Secure check. Only for orders with successful payments.

The Electronic Commerce Indicator (ECI) value corresponds to the authentication result and indicates the level of security used when the payment information was provided.

Possible values: [verified, failed, challenge]

The result of 3D Secure check.

The 3D Secure version.

Possible values: [match, not_match, incorrect, not_processed]

The result of CVV verification.

Parameter valueDescription
matchCVV matches the card's CVV
not_matchCVV does not match the card's CVV
incorrectCVV format is incorrect for this type of card
not_processedCVV verification was not performed

Possible values: [match, not_match, n_a, invalid]

The result of address verification.

Possible values: [match, not_match, n_a, invalid]

The result of postcode verification.

Possible values: [match, not_match, n_a, invalid]

The result of cardholder verification.

Details about the authentication challenge that should be performed to complete the authentication process. For more information about Revolut's 3DS solution, see: 3D Secure overview.

Only returned if the payment's state is authentication_challenge.

Possible values: [three_ds, three_ds_fingerprint]

Type of the authentication challenge the payment triggers.

The URL of the authentication challenge.

Object containing address details.

Possible values: <= 100 characters

Street line 1 information.

Possible values: <= 100 characters

Street line 2 information.

Possible values: <= 100 characters

The region associated with the address.

Possible values: <= 100 characters

The city associated with the address.

Possible values: <= 2 characters

The 2-letter country code of the country associated with the address.

Possible values: <= 100 characters

The postcode associated with the address.

Possible values: [low, high]

The risk level of the card.

If the risk level is high, the payment might be declined.

The details of the order fee.

Possible values: [fx, acquiring]

The type of the order fee.

The amount of the payment fee (minor currency unit). For example, enter 7034 for €70.34 in the field.

The currency of the payment fee. ISO 4217 currency code in upper case.

Unique ID representing the location where merchants sells products.


Currently, only online locations are supported.


For more information, see: Locations.

Possible values: <= 50

Additional information to track your orders in your system, by providing custom metadata using "<key>" : "<value>" pairs.



  • Max number of items: 50
  • Max length of metadata values: 500
  • Format of metadata keys: ^[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z\\d_]{0,39}$

Object containing industry-specific information associated with the order.

Possible values: [airline, crypto]

Type of the industry-specific data object, determining what further data is expected for a particular order.

Available types:

  • airline
  • crypto

Unique ID of the travel reservation associated with the order.

The UTC date and time of the final journey leg.

Possible values: [flexible, fixed]

The type of the ticket.

The code of the Computer Reservation System (CRS) used to make the booking and purchase the ticket.

Possible values: [new, modification]

Parameter indicating whether this order is related to a new ticket reservation or a modification of an existing one.

Possible values: [refundable, non_refundable, partially_refundable]

Parameter indicating whether the ticket is refundable, partially refundable, or not refundable.

Array containing information of passengers associated with the booking.

Passenger's first name.

Passenger's last name.

Array containing information of journey legs associated with the booking.

Sequence of the journey legs. Increment by 1 for each flight included in the ticket.

For example: For a FRA > LHR > DUB > LHR > FRA journey the sequence will be assigned as:

  • FRA > LHR: 1
  • LHR > DUB: 2
  • DUB > LHR: 3
  • LHR > FRA: 4

The IATA 3-letter airport code for the departure airport.

The IATA 3-letter airport code for the arrival airport.

The flight identifier, without airline code.

The fare base code for the given journey leg.

The UTC date and time of the flight departure for the given journey leg.

The name of the airline associated with the journey leg.

The IATA 2-letter accounting code identifying the airline associated with the journey leg.

Object for providing additional information stored in the merchant's order management system.

Possible values: <= 2000 characters

The URL of the order stored in the merchant's order management system.

This URL will be included in the order confirmation email for payments made via Revolut Pay. If specified, this URL will override the default link to the merchant's Business website configured in the Revolut Business account.



  • Max length of url string: 2000
  • Only valid http:// or https:// domains are accepted
  • Domain cannot be localhost or IP address

Merchant order ID for external reference.

Use this field to set the ID that your own system can use to easily track orders.

Object containing information about upcoming payments associated with the order.

The date and time in ISO 8601 format when the upcoming payment is scheduled to be executed.

The unique ID of the customer's payment method used to complete the scheduled payment.

Link to a checkout page hosted by Revolut.

The enforce challenge mode. automatic is used by default.

Parameter valueDescription
automaticThe payments created for an order will have challenge requirement calculated by our fraud mechanisms. Not all payments will trigger a 3DS challenge.
forcedThe payments created for an order will always require a 3DS challenge. Currently only supported for card payments.
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