Guides • Crypto Ramp
Test the integration

Test the integration

This tutorial walks you through the steps to test the integration with Revolut Ramp.


Before you begin, make sure that you have access to the Revolut Ramp test environment.
This environment allows you to bypass the OTP and the onboarding (KYC) process.


Once you have received your Partner ID from us, you can generate a URL for your test environment:{YOUR_PARTNER_ID}


  1. Navigate to your Revolut Ramp test environment.
  2. Follow the steps from the customer's perspective. You can use the following values for testing:
    • Wallet address: 0x96e2B7Bf479f84e7A0a94f0620290B7D3E08f5EF
    • Payment method: Revolut account will be created for you which you'll be able to use to pay for any test order

When testing the API integration, make sure you are using the test credentials and the test address:

All blockchain transactions in test environment are reflected on Sepolia Testnet.

What's next

When you are confident that everything works as expected on the Ramp test environment, you can set the endpoint address for the integration to the production address:

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